African Just Transition investors Alliance (JTIA) launched at COP27


Africa investor (Ai) and partners launched the Just Transition Investors Alliance (JTIA), at the Africa investor (Ai) NDC Investment Summit and Awards, hosted on the eve of COP27’s Finance Day,  following through on their announcement at COP26 to turn focus to Scope 3 emissions at COP 27.

The JTIA is an investor led platform, for green technology and energy customers seeking to procure finished green goods from African Just Transition Green Economic Zones, predominantly located in places dependent on mining and highly carbon intensive industries.

Leaders speaking on the launch of the Just Transition Alliance included:

  • E. Nardos Bekele-Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, AUDA-NEPAD
  • Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland
  • John Denton, Secretary General, ICC
  • Hubert Danso, CEO and Chairman, Africa investor (Ai) Group
  • Halla Tomasdottir, CEO, The B Team
  • Jingdong Hua, Vice Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board
  • Christophe McGlade, Head of Energy Supply Unit, IEA

Watch Mary Robinsons keynote JTIA Launch statement: HERE

The JTIA will commence with the establishment of a Just Transition Procurement Champions Community (JTPCC) of 500 Multinational corporations (MNCs) and African Large companies, from across commercial and industrial sectors, non-profit organizations, Aid organizations, as well as other buying agencies. operating globally and across the continent.

The Just Transition Investors Alliance (JTIA), is built on an overarching theory of change that institutional investors as universal owners, investee company corporates as customers and MDB’s, regional banks and development finance institutions, as private capital credit enhancers, have a pivotal role to play in positively influencing Africa’s Just Energy Transition and equitable and increased participation in global value chains for ‘finished goods’ and green technologies, and to assist African and global policymakers, to prioritize institutional investor-public partnerships (IIPP’s) to accelerate that process.

Dr. Danso, commenting on the JTIA Launch said;

“Given Africa’s mere 2% contribution to global emissions, historic restricted access to global value chains sitting at an inequitable 2% of global trade (mainly for raw materials), coupled with the central Just transition tenet, being that the responsibility and costs for climate action must be absorbed by those who have contributed most to the climate breakdown, as a core ESG (S), SDG (10, 7, 17) and Agenda 2063 ethical obligation. The Just Transition Investors Alliance, is an innovative investable solution for investors and companies, alike committed to a genuine Just Transition in Africa and emerging markets”.

The Just Transition Investors Alliance (JTIA), will work to deliver the following 5-part programme:

  1. Create a network of buying MNCs, Governments, Aid Organizations and Procurement Agencies, committed to supporting Africa’s Just Energy Transition, SDG10 & 17 and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
  2. Digitalize, support and onboard JTPCC SME suppliers (particularly women and youth), to the AfricaPLC Marketplace
  3. Design policy recommendations with the (JTPCC) and procurement network, to assist governments, development partners, and policymakers, to make informed strategic policy and programmatic decisions around Just Energy Transition sustainable procurement, digital inclusion and eTrade for women and youth procurement partnership in support of the AfCFTA.
  4. Develop and host country, regional, and global sustainable procurement, and eTrade capacity building training programmes
  5. Sponsor and adopt a African network of just transition green economic zones, city and place-based, public and private climate leaders, to share best practice and the latest trends on investing in the just transition and accessing global value chains, through investing in African green cities and places. The network will bring together mayors, institutional investors, government officials, private sector leaders, urban, inclusion and climate investment and development finance specialists to assist deepen and deliver the JTIA’s goals.

The JTIA website was also unveiled for the first time at the COP27 launch:

The Just Transition Investors Alliance (JTIA), partners include The African Union Development Agency (AUDA), The African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat (AfCFTA), The Continental Business Network (CBN), the African Green Infrastructure Investment Bank, The African Sovereign Wealth and Pension Fund leaders Forum, Africa investor (Ai) Group, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), The World Benchmarking Alliance and the Council for Inclusive Capitalism.



Tatenda Mutasa,

Programme Coordinator

Just Transition Investors Alliance (JTIA)


About The Just Transition Investors Alliance (JTIA)

The JTIA is an investor led, Just Transition Value Chain Investment Initiative, to promote and procure ‘finished goods’, from African Just Transition Green Economic Zones, (recognised by the AfCFTA), supplying regional markets and the $10trn pa, Global Green Industrial Economy (GGIE).

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