Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

What are Investable NDCs?

When preparing their upcoming Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), due to be communicated by February 10, 2025, with an end date of 2035, Parties have the advantage of drawing on several years of experience in their formulation and implementation. At the same time, they will continue to face challenges in developing NDCs that are not only ambitious

Africa's NDC journey and the Imperative for Climate Finance Innovation

African economies continue to show resilience and tenacity in adapting to shocks including those imposed by the rising burden of climate change, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Model Law Institutional Investor Public Partnerships

A legal framework to mobilise private capital at scale and be deployed at speed for the delivery of the projects necessary to realise the Nationally Determined Contributions of African nations Africa needs to mobilise $3trn for its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) projects by 2030.

KPMG: COP28 Climate Investing Africa

Compared to industrialised nations, African countries emit far less greenhouse gases Calculated on an individual basis, CO2 emissions of Africans are more than 10 times lower than those of North Americans

2024 Global Investor Statement to Governments on the Climate Crisis

Investors are increasingly taking a coherent approach to address environment-related financial risks in their portfolios, including both climate and nature, and seizing the growing opportunities associated with the net zero transition.

IIGCC Making NDCs Investable

As countries start developing their new Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) due in early 2025, private finance has a critical role to play to support the implementation of ambitious climate goals. Recognising the need to accelerate the net zero transition, over 500 institutional investors managing assets exceeding

Deloitte & Africa investor: African NDC's and MDB Shareholder led Private Capital Mobilization Reforms

African and global institutional investors hold significant pools of capital, which are critical to tap into, if we are to close the African $3trn climate finance gap. Achieving this will require more...

Allianz $7trn Africa Energy Investment Report

Global warming is the largest threat to humanity and a major driver of poverty and inequality, conflicts and violence. Nowhere is this more true than in Africa, which is at the epicenter of the climate crisis: Although the continent contributed the least to global warming,

Considerations in Establishing Specific, Dedicated Allocations to Emerging Markets Infrastructure and Private Equity

Some of the World's largest, most sophisticated

Considerations for informing, implementing, and investing in the next nationally determined contributions (NDCs)

Under the Paris Agreement, Parties are to put forward their next nationally determined contributions (NDCs) in February 2025.