As part of its Corporate Social Investment policy, Africa investor established the Ai Academy as a thought leadership and networking platform to provide valuable information and networks to key decision makers working on investment issues in Africa. The Ai Academy benefits from specialists’ insights from Ai Capital and the operational experience of the Ai Advisory Board, as well as programmes run by Ai events.
The Ai Academy works closely with the Ai Heads of State Investment Advisory Council, launched in 2011 at the New York Stock Exchange in partnership with the United Nations and African Union. The Ai Council brings together and mobilizes business and investment leaders to advise African Heads of State and the African Union on strategies to increase intra-African investment flows and regional economic integration.
The Academy runs proprietary platforms to address and increase the pipeline of investable, bankable projects through the Ai Project Developers Forum and mobilizes African capital and asset owners through the Ai Sovereign Wealth and Pension Leaders Forum.
The Ai African Project Developers Forum
The Ai African Project Developers Forum (APDF) is a pan-African network of over 200 infrastructure project developers and early-stage financiers that shares and publishes thought leadership, promotes best practice, discusses co-development opportunities and is committed to improving the business environment for project developers and financiers in Africa.
This unique African CEO Infrastructure Project Developers Summit and Awards are the first of their kind for the African project development industry in Africa. This invitation-only CEO Summit gathers Africa’s top 200 project developers, co-developers, financiers, infrastructure investors, PPP project preparation facilities and PPP Units to discuss infrastructure project development on the continent.
Alongside each annual African Developers Summit we host a set of Awards that recognise the achievements of infrastructure projects developers, financiers, investors and development partners working in Africa.
The Ai PDF Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is made up of leading project developers and financiers from business and government working in Africa. Advisory Board members ensure the Forum remains at the forefront of facilitating industry insights among leading stakeholders across the infrastructure project development industry.